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9 entries this month

Murdoch Admits To Giving Kushner Confidential Information On ads Run By Biden Campaign

10:51 Feb 28 2023
Times Read: 159

FOX owner Rupert Murdoch handed Donald Trump’s son-in-law and White House adviser Jared Kushner “confidential information” about then-Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign ads before they aired on the conservative network, according to a new court filing.

The leaks provided Kushner with “a preview of Biden’s ads before they were public,” according to court documents released Monday as part of the $1.6 billion defamation suit by Dominion Voting Systems against Fox News.

“During Trump’s campaign, Rupert provided Trump’s son-in-law and senior advisor, Jared Kushner, with Fox confidential information about Biden’s ads, along with debate strategy,” read the filing.

It’s unclear exactly how Murdoch assisted with “debate strategy.”

Dominion is suing Fox News over the unfounded claims pushed by several of the network’s hosts that the company’s voting machines were used to flip the election in favor of Biden.

Elsewhere in the filing, Murdoch acknowledged Fox News hosts “endorsed” conspiracy theories about Donald Trump winning the 2020 election.

Critics described the Murdoch-Kushner news as a “bombshell.”

“These actions by Rupert Murdoch seem illegal,” said Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.). “At the very least, it would appear to be a campaign contribution of significant value, well over federal campaign limits.”

“Trump falsely accused Biden of ‘spying on his campaign,’” commented the progressive PAC MeidasTouch. “Today, it was revealed that Trump and Fox News colluded to *actually* spy on Biden’s campaign. Every accusation is always a confession.”

Fox has repeatedly defended itself amid the lawsuit, claiming it is “more about what will generate headlines than what can withstand legal and factual scrutiny.”


lol mmmm Ted Lieu may have a point




Murdoch Says His On Air Personalities Lied To Their Inbred Audience

10:45 Feb 28 2023
Times Read: 162

Rupert Murdoch, the chairman of Fox Corporation, acknowledged in a deposition taken by Dominion Voting Systems that some Fox News hosts endorsed false claims that the 2020 election was stolen.

Murdoch’s remarks were made public in a legal filing as part of Dominion’s $1.6 billion lawsuit against Fox News.

In his deposition, Murdoch rejected that the right-wing talk network as an entity endorsed former President Donald Trump’s election lies. But Murdoch conceded that Sean Hannity, Jeanine Pirro, Maria Bartiromo, and former host Lou Dobbs promoted the falsehood about the presidential contest being stolen.

“Some of our commentators were endorsing it,,” Murdoch said, according to the filing, when asked about the talk hosts’ on-air positions about the election. “I would have liked us to be stronger in denouncing it, in hindsight,” he added.

The filing also revealed that Murdoch referred to some of Trump’s 2020 election lies as “bulls**t and damaging.”

Fox calls Dominion lawsuit ‘dubious’
In a Monday statement, Fox News assailed Dominion.

“Dominion’s lawsuit has always been more about what will generate headlines than what can withstand legal and factual scrutiny,” the network said, “as illustrated by them now being forced to slash their fanciful damages demand by more than half a billion dollars after their own expert debunked its implausible claims.”

“Their summary judgment motion took an extreme, unsupported view of defamation law that would prevent journalists from basic reporting and their efforts to publicly smear Fox for covering and commenting on allegations by a sitting President of the United States should be recognized for what it is: a blatant violation of the First Amendment,” the network added.

Fox on Monday defended the actions of executives and hosts during the 2020 election in its own legal filings countering Dominion Voting Systems’ lawsuit. Fox alleged that its hosts’ on-air assertions about election fraud were taken out of context.

Fox says it should not be held liable for the hosts’ claims.

“Dominion’s summary judgment motion is flawed from top to bottom and should be rejected in its entirety,” lawyers for Fox News wrote in its filing Monday.

Fox Corporation said in its filing that Dominion “has produced zero evidentiary support for its dubious theory that high-level executives at Fox Corporation ‘chose to publish and broadcast’ or played a ‘direct role in the creation and publication’ of false election lies.”

Fox hosts ridicule election fraud claims
In another filing made public earlier this month, a trove of messages and emails from the most prominent stars and highest-ranking executives at Fox News showed they had privately ridiculed claims of election fraud in the 2020 election, despite the right-wing channel promoting lies about the presidential contest on its air.

The messages showed that Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham brutally mocked lies being pushed by former President Donald Trump’s camp asserting that the election was rigged.

The court filings have offered the most vivid picture to date of the chaos that transpired behind the scenes at Fox News after Trump lost the election and viewers rebelled against the right-wing channel for accurately calling the contest in Biden’s favor.

Top legal experts told CNN after last week’s filing that Dominion’s legal position appeared strong.

“It’s a major blow,” renowned First Amendment attorney Floyd Abrams said of Dominion’s motion for a summary judgment, adding that the “recent revelations certainly put Fox in a more precarious situation” in defending against the lawsuit on First Amendment grounds.


The on air personalities lied because they were afraid to tell the truth. They were afraid of losing viewers, So we have the intent to mislead. A knowing dissemination of a falsehood. WTF... this led to Jan 6, 2021.




Joe On Calls To Secede

15:19 Feb 22 2023
Times Read: 178

So re-watch the part where Joe points out that blue states take it on the chin to bail out red states.... what, the devil you inbreds say, yeah the tax money collected is spread to these districts like Greenes. True story




Space Laser Barbie Wishes The Job Was Easier

15:09 Feb 22 2023
Times Read: 180




Meanwhile in Florida - Yo, Ron Stay Home You Have Domestic Issues

16:51 Feb 20 2023
Times Read: 194

Daytona Beach and Ormond Beach were targeted Sunday with antisemitic literature, police say, a day after white supremacists stood on the pedestrian bridge over International Speedway Boulevard holding anti-Jewish signs.

Daytona Beach police Chief Jakari Young said on Saturday, dubbed the group behind the speedway demonstration "First Amendment auditors."

Leaders denounce anti-Semitic propagandaOrmond Beach mayor, police chief statement calls antisemitic driveway flyers 'abhorrent'

2 accused in hate propaganda2 men accused of placing antisemitic stickers, graffiti in Ormond Beach

Young said they are monitoring the group and that it is known to bait police with their actions.

"Their goal is for us to take the bait so we can do something that violates their rights and so they can sue the city," Young said. The group was not seen around the International Speedway on Sunday, Young said.

However, a nonprofit group that fights antisemitism tweeted Sunday that the groups responsible were the "Goyim Defense League" and "NatSoc Florida." The GDL is known for dumping antisemitic propaganda in yards in multiple cities and hoisting banners similar to the ones displayed Sunday.

The Anti-Defamation League reported Sunday that this was a coordinated effort by the two groups consisting of about 15 individuals, focusing on Florida.

"GDL is a network of rabidly antisemitic provocateurs led by Jon Minadeo who recently relocated to Florida from California. GDL’s overarching goal is to expel Jews from America. To that end, they cast aspersions on Jews and spread antisemitic myths and conspiracy theories in hopes of turning Americans against the Jewish people," the group wrote.

As for the distribution of propaganda, Young said "the person responsible for distributing this material wants to promote fear, hatred, and division! We strongly denounce any form of hate or discrimination toward any individual or community."





Coulter Calls Mango Stupid

10:50 Feb 20 2023
Times Read: 200

Former Trump supporter Ann Coulter said she didn't realize how "profoundly stupid" Trump was when she supported his presidential campaign during an interview with the Timcast podcast.

Well he's always known how to be a celebrity, right? she said.

But Coulter disagreed.

"...I think he is a narcissistic..." Coulter said. "The one thing I didn't know when I wrote In Trump We Trust is how profoundly stupid he is."

Coulter admitted that she supported Trump even after the p*ssygrabbing tape came out and said like most Trump supporters, she could forgive him for almost everything.

Bragging about sexual assault is unforgivable for most people, but not Ann and the rest of the MAGA cult.

Anything except when Trump sh*t the bed over immigration. Then she finally let go of him.


Ann Coulter is a long time Republican and mouth frother but she has come to her senses for the most part regarding Mango.




Roberto Clemente Book BANNED in Florida

01:04 Feb 13 2023
Times Read: 218

A book about late Afro-Puerto Rican MLB legend Roberto Clemente can't be found in the shelves of public school libraries in Florida's Duval County these days.

“Roberto Clemente: Pride of the Pittsburgh Pirates” by Jonah Winter and Raúl Colón — and other books about Latino figures such as the late Afro-Cuban salsa singer Celia Cruz and Justice Sonia Sotomayor — are among the more than 1 million titles that have been "covered or stored and paused for student use” at the Duval County Public Schools District, according to Chief Academic Officer Paula Renfro.

School officials are in the process of determining if such books comply with state laws and can be included in school libraries.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed laws last year that require schools to rely on certified media specialists to approve which books can be integrated into classrooms. Guidance on how that would be implemented was provided to schools in December.

Books must align with state standards such as not teach K-3 students about gender identity and sexual orientation; not teach critical race theory, which examines systemic racism in American society, in public grade schools; and not include references to pornography and discrimination, according to the school district.

In January, 52 certified media specialists for Duval started reviewing about 1.5 million book titles, Sonya Duke-Bolden, a spokesperson with the public schools district told NBC News Friday. Close to 2,800 books have been approved by media specialists so far. Duke-Bolden did not say if more books were reviewed but not approved.

PEN America, a nonprofit group that advocates for free expression in literature, said in December that 176 elementary school books from their Essential Voices collection were among the titles removed from Duval County public school libraries.

The organization said the books removed included some substituted titles and more than 100 deemed to have “content too mature for the grade level for which they were included in that collection.”

Duke-Bolden said that 47 substituted titles, which were swapped in for books in the Essential Voices collection that were unavailable, were sent back. Of the more than 170 books, "106 were deemed to be useful for our reading goals and have been distributed to classrooms" while 26 others remain under review.

"Note that even though a title may appear to be appropriate, we must evaluate each book’s full content for its age-level appropriateness and full compliance with Florida law," Duke-Bolden added.

Of the books removed from Duval County, more than 30 were by Latino authors and illustrators or centered Latino characters and narratives. Among these were “Celia Cruz, Queen of Salsa” by Veronica Chambers and Julie Maren, “Sonia Sotomayor (Women Who Broke the Rules Series)” by Kathleen Krull and Angela Dominguez, and Winter's Clemente book.

The son of the Pittsburgh Pirates player, Roberto Clemente Jr., told NBC News he owns the book, which was written for children K-3.

"His story is his story. He went through racism. It's something that can't be changed," Clemente Jr. said. "But obviously, for the younger students, if it's something that they feel is too much for them, they might be able to utilize a different book with the same story, but it's framed differently for them, for that for that age group."

Clemente Jr. added that he expects his father's life story and legacy to empower people of all ages.

LatinoJustice PRLDEF, a Latino civil rights organization based in New York, blasted the school district in Duval for removing the Clemente book over its "references to racism and discrimination."

“Learning about Clemente’s achievements, his pride in his Afro-Boricua identity and his struggles with racism and discrimination would provide needed insight on historical conditions in the U.S., and inspiration for the majority Black and Latino student population in Duval County schools," Lourdes Rosado, president and general counsel at LatinoJustice PRLDEF, said in a statement.

"We urge the school district to restore this book and others that shine a light on the experiences of exemplary people in our country who have contributed greatly to our society and culture," Rosado said. "Our children deserve to understand the full scope of our society’s flaws and strengths.”

Clemente died in 1972, when his plane crashed off the coast of Puerto Rico as he was delivering relief supplies to earthquake victims in Nicaragua. He was 38.

His humanitarian efforts are perhaps his greatest legacy in addition to his professional baseball career. Clemente became a posthumous Baseball Hall of Famer, with exactly 3,000 hits, four National League batting titles, 12 Gold Gloves, an MVP award, two World Series championships and 15 All-Star appearances.

Clemente often denounced racism and discrimination in his native Spanish language, and he spoke publicly about his experiences as a Black Latino climbing the baseball ranks during the civil rights movement. He even spoke about political and social issues alongside Martin Luther King Jr.

"The book on Roberto Clemente is pending review," Duke-Bolden said. She couldn't immediately share the review status on the books about Cruz and Sotomayor.

Cruz, known as the Queen of Salsa, was one of the 20th century’s most celebrated Latin music artists. Sotomayor is the first Hispanic and the third woman to serve on the Supreme Court.

Clemente Jr. and his family are waiting to see what happens with the book about the baseball great and plan on reaching out to the school district some time next week.

"We need to continue to figure out how to continue that conversation and unifying our cultures and nationalities," he said.


oh, the pearl clutching by Duhsantis



19:27 Feb 19 2023

Duhsantis is making a name for himself. For me- not the right kind.


Majority of Americans Want Eased Abortion Restrictions

00:44 Feb 13 2023
Times Read: 219

A new Gallup report issued Friday revealed that Americans are dissatisfied with the state of abortion policy in the country more so than at any other point since polling first began in 2001.

Just a quarter of American adults surveyed are content with prevailing abortion policies, while nearly half of Americans want less strict laws. The growing unease is driven by nearly three-quarters of Democrats wanting more relaxed policies, alongside 50 percent of women expressing a similar sentiment.

The massive shift in public opinion comes on the heels of the Supreme Court’s decision in June 2022 to overturn Roe v. Wade, a landmark abortion case, that handed back to states the power to choose local abortion policy.

The court has corrected a terrible legal and moral error, like when Brown v. Board overruled Plessy v. Ferguson,” Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) said in greeting the news. “Millions of Americans have spent half a century praying, marching, and working toward today’s historic victories for the rule of law and innocent life.”

Recent political developments, however, confirm the Gallup poll’s findings of a rapidly shifting landscape when it comes to American attitudes on abortion. Voters in Vermont, Michigan, California, and Kentucky backed measures supporting state access to abortions on Election Day.

“Abortion is a winning issue. . . . Voters want people to have bodily autonomy and agency over their lives. That is pretty core to being an American,” Elizabeth Nash of the pro-choice Guttmacher Institute, told the BBC in early November.

Notably, Gallup reported that support for abortion access had grown significantly amongst Christian denominations. For the first time since the polling organization first began surveying Americans on the issue, a plurality of Catholics and Protestants are now dissatisfied and demand a loosening of abortion restrictions.

Only 15 percent of Americans are dissatisfied because they wish to see stricter abortion laws enacted.

read it here https://www.yahoo.com/news/dissatisfaction-u-abortion-policy-hits-152839070.html

This isn't going away. The GOPQ and the right wing religious zealots on the Supreme Court own it.




Indicted Bannon and His Podcast Biggest Misinformation Spreader

12:03 Feb 11 2023
Times Read: 235

he Brookings Institute has released a massive study on the podcasting medium, and concluded that Steve Bannon's War Room Pandemic regurgitated the most false, misleading, and unsubstantiated statements in all the land.

The NY Times writes that Bannon has parlayed his stint as the "chief strategist for former President Donald J. Trump into a prominent role as a right-wing personality."

Researchers at Brookings downloaded and transcribed 36,603 podcast episodes from 79 political talk shows that had been released before Jan. 22, 2022. When researchers compared the shows’ transcripts against a list of keywords and common falsehoods identified by fact checkers, they found that nearly 20 percent of Mr. Bannon’s “War Room” episodes contained a false, misleading or unsubstantiated statement, more than shows by other conservatives like Glenn Beck and Charlie Kirk.

The NY Times also reports that conservative podcasts are 11 times more apt to spread misinformation and lies than any progressive podcaster.

Read it here https://crooksandliars.com/2023/02/brookings-study-steve-bannon-most-prolific

For those of you with short memories, Bannon was an advisor to Mango, he is a racist, he siphoned off money from a build the wall effort, he has been convicted of contempt of Congress and is appealing, and in general looks as if he sleeps in the weeds.



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