
Views: 1,553
All pages by PAGAN
Page last updated: Jul 04 2011
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Dominars maintain one of the busiest sections of VR. They administer and maintain the Forum, VampBox, articles, polls and also links.These Dominars need to keep a cool head, they need to have a good sense of humour and they sure need to know how to spell too. Sometimes, just sometimes folk get a little uppity when a Dominar closes a thread or deletes a post. I wanted to know what it was like to be a Dominar, so I knew I simply had to interview LadyKrystalynDarkstar and find out what she does when the going gets tough...

Who is LadyKrystalynDarkstar?

"Offline, I am married and have been for 19 years and counting. I have a grown son who is 25. I have an addiction to cats and birds. I love flowers and nature.

I am not fond of spiders, however. I would really rather not discuss spiders unless someone just HAS to have that kind of conversation. It's pointless to me.

I've lived in San Diego, CA all of my life but have lived in different places periodically for various reasons. The best place other than San Diego that I have lived was in New Orleans. It is the epitome of all my childhood dreams. I have not been back there since hurricane Katrina, but some day I plan to venture there again.

My life is great. I have a firm belief that complaining about what I don't have is a waste of time, and yes I do complain from time to time (often) - it's human nature - but it's disrespectful to those around me. Life is too short. Life is in a constant state of change. There is usually nothing the same from day to day except for routines. I really don't understand how people can be bored so often with so much to do around them.

I have a very cut and dry sense of humor. My father taught me what humor was all about. He would tease me and my friends in various ways - endlessly. The house was never without laughter. I learned from a very early age what laughter does for the heart and soul. Joking around is a very serious business.

I was taught to love all things living. There was no prejudice in my home. I am an only child so my mother was able to spend all of her time with me. She taught me why and how caterpillars turned into butterflies. She taught me why some people are white and others are not - she taught me to never judge that. She taught me to appreciate the things I had when others had bigger and better things.

That was a hard one for me for a lot of years especially after she died. My mother died when I was 13. She was only 49. Because of that, I believe to this day, is the reason I am so emotional about many, many things. My emotions run high and often get me in situations that I'd rather not be in. Hind sight is always 20/20.

I will always wonder what my life would have turned out like if my mother had lived.

Growing up with my father was no easy task; I won't go into a lot of detail about that because it's just too long and confusing. I will say that through it all, and up to the very end of his life, he was a hard man to love and to get along with. We definitely had our rough times. Finally at the end of his life, I got some of the recognition that I truly deserved. He never really saw the good in things because he was so bitter about losing my mother and then, having to care for a preteen wasn't something he really fully grasped or fully wanted to do. Having no choice we got through it well enough I suppose.

I love to paint and draw. I love to make beaded jewelry. I love to read and to write. I love cross stitch and most needlework. I love to talk and to listen. I have an infinite love for my beliefs and what they stand for. I am truly and wonderfully blessed to be allowed to have such a wonderful life.

Online, LadyKrystalynDarkstar is someone who fell into the depths of an online social network and never looked back.

I am the one who would constantly bug Cancer with question after question after question about his site. I am someone who would not take "no" for an answer unless "no" was the absolute and final answer.

I was around when the Sentoran position was created by Cancer. And without further ado, I was asked to be a Sentoran along with a few other people on the site who were very well suited at the time for that position.

It was great being a Sentoran. I learned a lot.

*Start Sarcasm
After awhile some VR drama took place..... Drama on VR you ask? HA! There is never any drama on VR. The ratings are set up in such a way that you can rate someone a 1 or a 10 or anything in between. They are all valid ratings. You would think that would be the end of that. I have COUNTLESS stories from people (and a few of my own) regarding the use, or what some people call abuse of the rating system. I could go on for hours on this topic and I know many of you dear readers, can also. I could also go into the journal wars people have, the pissed off people who get inducted into a Society they are not happy in or - the best - making multiple profiles to "downrate" someone who peed in your Wheaties that morning.

But I digress.

Because of that drama I mentioned above, and some advice from some long time members, I stepped down from the Sentoran position.

I remained an Acolyte for some period of time and then I asked Cancer if I could have a position again as I missed it very much. Soon thereafter, I was asked if I wanted to be a Dominar. And the rest is history.

I learn something new on VR almost every day. I am not friends with many of the same people I used to be friends with here, but I do not regret anything I've lost or learned from those experiences. It saddens me on different levels, but that is the way life goes on about teaching us even with people online".

Now...all that and an awesome sense of humour makes LKD one great person to know. When I had first met her, I knew she'd be a 'keeper' on my friends list. I wanted to know, what brought you to VR, and more importantly, what is it that keeps you on VR for a whole 5 years?

"The main reason I came to VR was a friend who is no longer here. We stay in touch; she lives nearby. She lost interest in VR quite some time ago for reasons she never mentioned.

For me to answer why I stay here/what keeps me here after 5 years requires some writing. There are many people here who have shown me many different aspects of online life, which connects to real life too. To name them all would be offensive to the space allowed on the server. I will however, name a few people who have inspired me and kept me from a morbid self-deletion.

The first person I have to tell you about is imagesinwords.
I don't care what people think - I think she rocks the ever-living socks off this site and off my feet! She is someone who I admire from the very core of my being for her strength, wisdom, loyalty and brutal honesty. I have a scroll box just for her on my profile.

This woman has helped me learn and grow through some serious online and real life issues. She has made me aware of how I handle myself in certain situations. She totally rocks. She has been through some serious real life issues that would crack anyone in half, but she's come out of them with flying colors. She teaches that to people with her no-bullshit attitude. For that I am eternally grateful.

I once asked her why she doesn't do counseling or something similar in an office where she lives. She responded with "I have this 'virtual' office."

There isn't much more I could add to that. She may be humbled by my words about her, but I am not the only person who feels this way. I am not the only person who has made it public. She is amazing.

The next person is CAJOME.
I had the most awesome pleasure to meet CAJOME in person in January of 2009. She is one of the most "goodest" people in the world. Well, at least in my world. She and I have had very deep and heartfelt conversations both online and on the phone. We have shared some of life's worst gifts along with some of the best. Without her, I can't imagine what some of the outcomes of things would have been. We have laughed ourselves silly. She is quick witted and quick on the draw with wording and timing. My husband is the king of the one-liners but when teamed with CAJOME, there is no turning back. Those two can burn up a conversation and bring you to tears from laughing more often than not. I am thankful for CAJOME for being my friend and being a part of who I am.

1982. (CAJOME will know what that means!)

The next person I need to talk about is MooniePie.
This woman is simply amazing. She has brought out the "I got balls the size of cantaloupes" in me. She makes signing into VR an experience. What will I see and learn from her next? She has helped me through some really tough spots here on VR. We've spoken on the phone a few times and we had some very serious conversations. We have also laughed ourselves to tears. She is amazingly brilliant and fun. She can take a joke and she can really dish out the jokes too. She can also tear you up if she feels you need tearing. She is genuine to the core and for that I am truly thankful. Without her helping me, certain aspects of my "career" here on VR would not have taken place the way they did. Ever since the Webcam feature was launched, my friendship with MooniePie has only grown to new levels. And from the webcam experiences, I have made many more wonderful friends; too many to mention here. MooniePie is someone I think everyone should get to know. If you need to laugh at any point in time, visit her webcam. Trust me. Laughing is only the beginning.

The last person I will mention here, but certainly not the last on my list is Cancer.
Cancer has taught me a lot about computers and VR in the 5 years I've been here. I am not the most savvy person when it comes to the technical things. Cancer is patient with me when explaining things. He has shown me that my computer is a slow, out-dated system and needs to be thrown in the ocean. I agree. But because I am not in a position where I can buy a new system, I have to deal with what I got. When I have a site issue and cannot solve it on my own, Cancer gently reminds me that my system is to blame, and that the ocean is closer to me than to him.

Without joking, Cancer is an amazingly patient and kind man. He is fun and funny. His wit is unmatched. I appreciate his wisdom and knowledge and I really thank him for creating this place he called Vampire Rave. Without VR I would have never met such wonderful people and friends.

As I said earlier, there isn't enough room to mention all the people who have really become amazing friends to me here on VR. I fear my page would be just way too long.

You all know who you are. And, you all know you are my
Vampire Rave

I nodded at that. I could see why LKD kept coming back day after day. VR friends are what holds all of us here. I was beginning to see much, much more to LKD than just her role here as Dominar. Here was a lady who had heart and soul, and more importantly, I was glad to have been given the chance to share with everyone what so few here got to see. What is the best and the worst parts of your job as a Dominar?

"Being a Dominar means I get to help people. I love to help when I know how to solve a problem that has come up. It is a great feeling to know that I solved an issue.

If I can't solve something, I have imagesinwords to go to for help. She knows exactly what to say and how to say it. She will tell me what she did to fix any issue, and show me if the need is there. I also have to say that most people I help are very courteous and thankful for the help.

Which brings me to the second part of this question: What is the worst part of being a Dominar?

People can be many things. There are very many awesome people on this planet. Sometimes people are mean and nasty for whatever reasons. Sometimes they bring it to VR without really knowing, but sometimes they do it on purpose.

*Start Sarcasm
People often times think that just because this is a website that the rules really don't matter. People will argue these rules until the cows come home; there is no reasoning with someone herding cows. They "know" that they are right and it doesn't matter what the "rules say" because they are uniquely different from what is described in those rules. They are immune from the rules because they are special. People like that make me wonder if they take the dishes out of the sink before they pee in it. I shouldn't be so amazed but it never ceases to amaze me.

Unfortunately, As sarcastic as I made that read, is really how truthful it is.

I have talked to people here who have been so angered by me upholding the rules that they have threatened my well being. This really saddens me that people can treat online issues this way. There is no reason for it.

I am not innocent from being a pain in the ass online. I've had my share of times when I KNOW I was being an ass. It's when you know that you have done things wrong and can come back around and do them right that makes it all worth while. Being a Dominar has given me a few wonderful second chances.

People will do whatever it takes to make their world comfortable. No one is exempt from being like that".

More than anything, LKD's honestly shone through and I admired her much, much more for admitting to being human which many folk rarely do. As to the folk who threatened her well-being...heh. Perhaps they'd read this and realise they had over-stepped the mark...Perhaps not... All the same, she will continue to do the job she has been appointed to, and do it well and the ungrateful can just go post somewhere else in a forum without rules and see how they like that!

Now, I wanted to know about LKD at play...I absolutely LOVE your artwork and I'm delighted to see some of it in your Member Pages. Can you tell me what inspires you to paint and draw these pieces?

"My painting and drawings come from years of watching my mother and father do different artsy things. My father was a fantastic oil painter. He left me all of his art supplies when he passed. At first I shoved them in a closet and never looked at them.

I was really into my cross stitching at the time and had (and still do have) several projects in the works. My eyes are not like they used to be so the close up work like that tends to really be tedious and tiring. The beading gets tiring too.

One day I saw a painting that a friend had done and it sparked something in me. I went and got all the paints and supplies and things just started to flow. I learned very quickly that I couldn't draw people or animals all that well, but the abstract designs flew out of my fingers like wild fire. This has been going on since the early '90's. I just can't get enough.

Sometimes I'll see a pattern or a shape on TV or online that I like and I'll draw it quickly on a canvas and create something just from that line or shape. Sometimes I get a specific idea in my mind and just put it to canvas. That is basically the styles you see on my portfolio and Member Page - just an image in my mind and then to canvas".

My time with LKD was coming to an end, although I felt my friendship with her was only just beginning so my last question was: If I was a genie and I granted you three wishes, what would they be?

"Wish one:

That my mother had never passed away.

Wish two:

Wish two would have to be that I'd never have to take another shot ever again. I wish that everything that I have medically wrong would just be fixed.

Yes I am doing many things to correct a ton of problems. No I am not just letting fate take control. But, I shall spare you, dear reader, the agony of having to read all of that.

Wish three:

Wish three would have to be that all the people on the Titanic would never have died, and they all made it to New York Harbor. Seriously. Can you even imagine how that must have been? People were worried about their heat being on in the cabins while half the ship was under water. Horrible way to die.

Incredibly this story, as boring as it may be to some, is quite true.

I am not about kissing ass to get attention, though I have been known to do that. Many of you do it too, some better than others.

I know there will be a few of you reading this who wish I'd fallen off the planet a few years ago. Well, the feeling is quite mutual, but it didn't happen. It looks as though I am here to stay for hopefully at least another 5 years".

hah! no way LKD better fall off the planet! I wasn't done having a giggle with her yet by any means and I know that my next five years of VR were going to be great ones if she was going to be around for them too. With a huge hug and a side-step to avoid all her cats who insisted on winding themselves around my feet, I wished her well...

Thanks LadyKrystalynDarkstar! Its been a pleasure .

All pages by PAGAN
Page last updated: Jul 04 2011



23:21 Jul 04 2011

I loved this interview, Pagan. I think you did an excellent job on bringing out parts of LadyK that is reserved for only those that she is close with. Excellent!

23:29 Jul 04 2011

Very cool interview i' one of the lucky ones to have
ladyK as a friend

08:50 Jul 05 2011

Thanks you guys. I LOVED this interview too. I loved it because we get to see LKD as much more than just a Dominar.

You know that saying: if you don't ask, you don't get? Well, I'm real glad I asked here.

13:13 Jul 05 2011

lol I'm glad you asked too. :) I love that saying.

06:28 Jul 06 2011

A lady indeed.

16:41 Jul 06 2011

I love LadyK. ♥
I'm glad you asked, too. :]

21:25 Jul 10 2011

I am glad I did this too! Thank you PAGAN!! You rock!

11:57 Jul 12 2011

I think you're brilliant LadyK. I love your sense of humour, and I loved learning all about you, how could I not share what a wonderful person you are :)

03:35 Aug 29 2011

I love me some LKD ♥

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