
Views: 1,611
All pages by PAGAN
Page last updated: Jul 31 2011
Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]

We all have our special friends on Vampire Rave. The ones who make us laugh, teach us and inspire us. Some of these folk are relatively new to VR, some are not so new...A person well known to all of us here on VR loves to play with words, and often is to be found in the forum threads.

I wondered if he would have time to speak to me. I wanted to know if he really devoured dictionaries for breakfast, and if I would manage to keep up with him during my interview with him, given that this guy knew words that not even Google knew about. Who was it? Why, none other than the enigmatic master of all that is esoteric, the one and only Dabbler

I made my way to the interview, carrying several thesaurus', a dictionary or two and with Google on standby, I felt I was ready to ask my first question: Who is Dabbler?

"a dabbler is an individual that dabbles in things with limited commitment, I tried to be popular in all the social caste but never felt comfortable (even when accepted). I have a morbid tendency that I need to exercise. I like to see people nudged out of their comfort zones on either end of the spectrum radicals, or ultra-liberals I don't take sides".

...and at that, I smiled. Dabbler was pretty cool. He liked to play devils advocate in the main forums sometimes, drawing out reference after reference (and the occasional swear) from the resistant-avoidant types who claimed all sorts of supernatural talents. Dabbler merely wanted to know what the truth was. I simply had to know if Dabbler himself had any unusual abilities he hadn't told us about?

"a dabbler is interested in practical applications for what people claim to be supernatural abilities, or talents, though I personally accept rational explanations for what others insist are paranormal..."

Ha! I really should have known...Dabbler had given me a cryptic answer there and so left it up to me to decipher the riddle of whether or not he was just an ordinary man...perhaps I would never know the answer to that! Dabbler liked a certain air of mystery, but one thing I did know was that he had a very special lady in his life. I wanted Dabbler to tell me about her...

Dabbler smiled at that...

"I met Vampire Bonnie here on VR, she swept me off my feet, I came to VR 3 years ago as a refugee from Darkyria (A way lame site).

Never expecting to meet the love of my life, and that love has only bloomed since".

Now, that was a great answer! A true romantic after all. I thought it only fair to ask Vampire Bonnie about the awesome Dabbler and this is what she told me:

"My first conversation was with Dab in a main forum thread with the topic of The Loch Ness Monster...yes, we debated Nessie and he frustrated me to the point of fascination. I was bound and determined to get to know what made this man tick. Well....lets just say, the rest is history ;)

He continues to amaze me at his memory skills of more facts than my brain could ever hold, his very strong and yet secretly sweet side, and his ability to describe things with words like an artist paints with a paint brush.

Yes, yes I do admire my Dabble Do".

They were the Bonnie and Clyde of VR, partners in rhyme...

Dabbler was easier to interview than I had imagined. I had imagined that I'd be left floundering whilst he reeled off Haiku, after Haiku and tossed acrostics wily-nily into every sentence, but instead, I found myself nodding at his obvious love of words, his sweetness and I could never imagine a cross word ever being uttered by the Dabbler (unless of course, it was the breakfast crossword which was assimilated along with his daily omega 3 and 6).

Time was running short so my last question was this: what is your greatest passion in life Dabbler, what inspires you?

"My greatest Passion. To be a catalyst, and inspiration for people who seek to break the monotony, and humdrum of life".

I could only smile at that. As always, the testimony had been a sheer delight. It had been a great interview. I was truly enlightened.

Thanks Dabbler!

All pages by PAGAN
Page last updated: Jul 31 2011



00:09 Aug 01 2011

We love us some Dabs!.He helps keep thing in perspective and has a GREAT way of asking the right questions to make one really pick apart an idea we might get about something.
Besides,hes a good person and someone Im honoured to have as a peer and friend.

10:17 Aug 01 2011

That's so true. I couldn't have put that better myself :)

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